Investor Centre – High Arctic Energy Services

Investor Centre

Creating Value for Our Shareholders


High Arctic Energy Services is an innovative company with diversified operations both nationally and internationally. We strive to provide superior value and return on investment to our investors.


Investor Presentation

Presentation to Shareholders 

Trading Information

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Price Chart

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Investor Contacts

Investor Contact

HAES Investor Information
Phone: (403) 508-7836

Registrar and Transfer Agent

Odyssey Trust Company
Stock Exchange Tower
1230 – 300 5th Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2P 3C4


3100 – 205, 5th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 4B9

Legal Counsel

DLA Piper Canada LLP
Livingston Place
1000, 250-2nd Street S.W.
Calgary, Alberta  T2P 0C1