Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors is comprised of four members, all of whom have extensive and varied business experience. Michael Binnion, serves as Chairman of the Board. The responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board are outlined in the Terms of Reference. The directors hold in-camera sessions following each regularly scheduled audit committee meeting which precedes the board of directors meetings and then again when necessary throughout the year. Members of management are not in attendance for these meetings. The principal mandate of the Board is to oversee the management of the business and affairs of High Arctic, and monitor the performance of management.
Mandate of the Board of Directors
Board Chair Position Description and Mandate
There are a number of board committees, each with their own mandate. The committees and their members as of Sept 2023 are as follows:
Audit Committee
The mandate of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities in respect of:
- the adequacy, integrity and effectiveness of the Corporation’s financial reporting process and financial statements,
- the adequacy, integrity and effectiveness of internal financial and management controls and systems;
- the adequacy and integrity of the audit process; and
- risk management for High Arctic, including the adequacy, integrity and effectiveness of risk management systems and reporting.
Members of the Audit Committee are: Doug Strong (Chair) and Michael Binnion, both of whom are independent directors and financially literate
Audit Committee Terms of Reference
Governance and Nominating Committee
The Governance and Nominating Committee monitors our governance systems in relation to external governance standards and best practices guidelines. The Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for:
- monitoring the appropriateness of the Corporation’s governance systems with regard to external governance standards, “best practices” guidelines and with an emphasis on “ongoing improvements”;
- review the makeup and needs of the Board of Directors and develop criteria for adding new directors to the Board of Directors; and
- evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, its committees in meeting governance objectives and each individual’s own contributions.
Members of the Governance and Nominating Committee are Simon Batcup (Chair), Doug Strong and Michael Binnion.
Governance and Nominating Committee Terms of Reference
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee is charged with reviewing and making recommendations to the Board in respect of the compensation matters relating to the Corporation’s executive officers, employees and directors. As a part of this process, compensation levels are set by reviewing compensation paid for directors and officers of companies of similar size and stage of development.
Members of the Remuneration Committee are: Michael Binnion (Chair) and Simon Batcup
Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference
Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Committee
The Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Committee is responsible for monitoring and making recommendations with respect to the quality, health, safety and environmental policies, practices and procedures of the Corporation and its subsidiaries. The Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Committee operates under a written “Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Committee Terms of Reference” that details its composition, its duties and its reporting.
Members of the Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Committee are Simon Batcup (Chair), Douglas Strong and (CEO) Mike Maguire.
Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Committee Terms of Reference
Executive Committee
Consistent with the Corporation’s strategy to preserve a strong financial position, the Executive Committee oversees and reviews management’s measures to sustain safe, quality-based customer service, financial liquidity and stakeholder communication. The committee reviews and oversees significant investing and divesting matters being considered by management and the use of the Corporation’s capital.
The current members of the Executive Committee are Michael Binnion (Chair), Douglas Strong and Simon Batcup.
Other Corporate Governance Related Documents
Certificates and Articles of Amalgamation and Amendment