PNG Timeline – Page 2 – High Arctic Energy Services

Rig 104 Successfully Finishes Muruk -1

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Exxon Mobil closes purchase of InterOil

While already providing services to Exxon Mobil in PNG through High Arctic’s Provision of HDPE Mat Systems to the PNG LNG project, High Arctic adds Exxon Mobil as a contracted customer for Drilling Services and Rolling Stock Rental through their acquisition of InterOil.

High Arctic’s Rig 115 Drills Antelope 7

Antelope 7 drilling commences with Total as Operator. This final key appraisal well in the Antelope field attracts significant attention within PNG and from abroad and coincides with a lengthy period of finalising the recently announced acquisition of InterOil, the Operating Company who discovered Antelope, by the Exxon Mobil Corporation.

High Arctic Commences Drilling Services for Total

Following the commencement of Operatorship transition for the PRL 15 Joint Venture, High Arctic drilled the next two Antelope wells (6 & 7) under contract to Total with Rig 115. Total expands to the number of High Arctic’s major HDPE Mat Systems and Rolling Stock customers to six.

High Arctic Announces Arrival of Rig 116

Rig 116 arrives in PNG commencing contract with InterOil after an extensive refurbishment and incorporating additional upgraded capability. Similar upgraded capability is subsequently integrated in to Rig 115 as well.

HIgh Arctic Completes Purchase of Rigs 115 and 116

To meet the growing demand for High Arctic’s drilling services, High Arctic negotiates the purchase of two “near new” 1500 Horse Power Heli-portable drilling rigs from Brazil and ships them to Houston, Texas for a comprehensive upgrade and rebirth by the Original Manufacturer.