About Us
High Arctic’s Excellence Makes the Decisive Difference
With over 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and a catalogue of success that continues to grow, High Arctic Energy Services is your first choice for specialized oilfield solutions. Founded in 1993, High Arctic Energy Services has evolved but our focus on customer service remains central to who we are.
From our establishment as a privately owned Canadian company to today’s public corporation pressure control has been at the heart of our service offerings. High Arctic has built an enviable reputation, with innovative equipment and world-class services that we’re truly proud of. Today our comprehensive rental equipment line-up – including specialized pressure control and well stimulation equipment is supported by a team of dedicated personnel in Red Deer and Whitecourt, Alberta under the Delta Rental Services banner. Team Snubbing Services markets the former High Arctic snubbing and hydraulic workover packages, and with their professionally trained crews they are the best in the business.
Make Delta Rental Solutions and Team Snubbing Services your first thought for dependable well site pressure containment.

providing services that unlock sustainable, reliable and affordable energy in demanding locations
with a relentless focus on quality, be recognized as a trusted provider of energy services
- People we care for our people
- Community we respect the people, cultures and places where we work
- Trust we do what we say
- Challenge we seek bespoke and innovative solutions
- Customers we use our expertise to meet our customers objectives