High Arctic Declares Monthly Dividend – High Arctic Energy Services

High Arctic Declares Monthly Dividend

Red Deer, Canada – April 19, 2013 – High Arctic Energy Services Inc. (TSX: HWO) (“High Arctic” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce that its Board of Directors has approved a monthly dividend payment of $0.0125 per share to holders of common shares. The dividend is payable on May 14, 2013, to holders of High Arctic common shares of record at the close of business on April 30, 2013. The ex-dividend date is April 26, 2013. The dividend is designated as an “eligible dividend” for Canadian Income Tax purposes.


About High Arctic

The Corporation is a global provider of specialized oilfield equipment and services, including drilling, completion and workover operations.  Based in Red Deer, Alberta, High Arctic has domestic operations throughout western Canada and international operations in Papua New Guinea.


Further Information

Ken Olson

Chief Financial Officer

403 508 7836 ext 103


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