High Arctic Continues Outstanding Corporate Safety Performance – High Arctic Energy Services

High Arctic Continues Outstanding Corporate Safety Performance

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Calgary, Canada – September 30, 2019  – High Arctic Energy Services Inc. (TSX: HWO) (“High Arctic” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to report on outstanding operational safety performance.  Recently the Corporation achieved two million work hours incident free in international operations, twelve months lost time incident free in North America and was recognized by the International Association of Drilling Contractors – Australasian Chapter (“IADC-AC”).  These successes continue to entrench safety in the culture of High Arctic and heighten focus to eliminate unwanted events through collaboration with stakeholders.

On August 24th, 2019, High Arctic’s Papua New Guinea (“PNG”) operations reached the world-class milestone of three years Total Recordable Incident Free. On September 26th that milestone extended to two million work hours without significant injury to its people. Not one person needed medical treatment or missed any work time because of a workplace incident. This sustained performance excellence culminated in High Arctic again receiving the IADC-AC Australasian Safety Statistics Award for 2018, which High Arctic also won in 2017 and 2015.

On September 25th, 2019, High Arctic’s Canadian operations celebrated a total of twelve months Lost Time Injury Free. Safety performance is a principal focus of operations and North American operations have delivered record results. At Cold Lake, Alberta operations, in conjunction with a key customer, High Arctic has achieved 6.2 years and 1.5 million work hours Recordable Incident Free.

 High Arctic made a commitment ten years ago to a quality program based on the idea that doing it right the first time means it will be safe every time.   High Arctic works for many of the world’s top oil and gas companies often in some of the most difficult operating and logistical areas.   Top quality operations, logistics and safety are the reasons the Corporation has been able to maintain these clients, increase market share and maintain high equipment utilization rates in tough market conditions.

Many companies have aspirational zero targets for safety. High Arctic has achieved this target in its PNG operations which it has been able to sustain for three years of recordable incident free operations.  Mike Maguire, President – International, said “I am very proud of our Papua New Guinean workforce who consistently prove to the rest of the world-wide oil and gas industry that a quality driven focus on doing things right first time leads to sustained high performance, peer recognition and is beneficial for all stakeholders.  We are glad to make such a positive contribution to an industry so vital to the people of PNG.”

High Arctic understands that these achievements do not come by luck. Hard work, dedication to safe work initiatives and skills development through internationally recognised training of its personnel are fundamental to this result. High Arctic recognises the strong community values throughout PNG, Canada and the USA and fosters these values within their business to unite all workers towards a common goal.

High Arctic is looking forward to continuing to maintain safety leadership and thanks our supportive clients and all of those who have been involved in and contributed to these safety achievements.

About High Arctic

High Arctic is a publicly traded company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “HWO”. The Corporation’s principal focus is to provide drilling and specialized well completion services, equipment rentals and other services to the oil and gas industry.

High Arctic is a market leader providing drilling and specialized well completion services and supplies rig matting, camps and drilling support equipment on a rental basis in Papua New Guinea. The Canadian and US operations provide well servicing, well abandonment, snubbing and nitrogen services and equipment on a rental basis to a large number of oil and natural gas exploration and production companies operating in Western Canada and the United States.

For more information, please contact:

J. Cameron Bailey
Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 587-318-3826

Jim Hodgson
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: 587-318-2218
