High Arctic Announces AGM Results – High Arctic Energy Services

High Arctic Announces AGM Results

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Calgary, Canada – May 10, 2019 – High Arctic Energy Services Inc. (TSX: HWO) (“High Arctic” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to announce the results of the annual general and special meeting of the shareholders of High Arctic held on May 9, 2019 (the “Meeting”). There were 34 shareholders holding a total of 33,226,702 common shares of the Corporation represented at the Meeting in person or proxy, representing approximately 66.23% of the total votes attached to all issued and outstanding common shares of the Corporation as of the record date on April 3, 2019.  Voting on all matters at the Meeting was conducted by a show of hands other than the election of directors and approval of the grant of unallocated options which were conduct by ballot.  All matters put forth at the Meeting were approved.

For a full copy of the release, please click the following link:  High Arctic Announces 2019 AGM Results
